Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My Intentions for a "Hunger Game's" Assignment (Blog #4)

Intentions for my “Hunger Game’s” Essay
In this blog I will be discussing my upcoming and final assignment for my English 102 class.  For this assignment I must write a three to five page essay from the point of view of a character, from Suzanne Collin’s novel The Hunger Games (excluding the novel’s protagonist, Katniss Everdeen).  I must write two scenes from this character’s perspective; one that overlaps a pre-existing scene, and another that is entirely “imagined” (not contained in the novel).  Finally, there must be an “idea” at stake in both scenes, which should be shown “through the interaction of characters, action, or description” (Dr. Rogers-Cooper).  Now, that the assignment has (I hope) been clarified, I will discuss my intentions for this essay.
I intend to write my essay from the point of view of Prim Everdeen, Katniss’ younger sister.  The overlapping scene I plan on choosing is the the scene where Katniss takes the place of her younger sister in the Hunger Games, which is an annual “game,” where an all-dominant government pits children against each other, to the death, as a reminder of their power.  The “imaginary” scene that I’d like to write will take place as Prim watches her sister take part in the Hunger Games.  Specifically taking place as she watches Katniss trapped in a tree as the other “contestants” await her below.  The “idea” that I wish to convey in this essay is “guilt’s relation to sacrifice.” This may relate closely to what many people refer to as “survivor’s guilt.”  Finally, my biggest challenge to this choice I’ve made for my essay is that it forces me to write from the perspective of a twelve-year old girl, which I am obviously not, and have never been. 
Works Cited
Rogers-Cooper, Justin. “Assignment Three.” Jrc’s LaGuardia ENG 102-Summer 2012. Blogspot. Web. 31 July 2012.

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