Monday, July 30, 2012

My response to the online article "Racist Hunger Games Fans are Very Disappointed"

A New Medium used to Expand Racism
After reading the online article “Racist Hunger Games Fans are very Disappointed,” I could best describe my feelings as those of utter disgust.  I’ve never been totally ignorant to believe that there aren’t people in this world with racist tendencies however, it’s disturbing when you read about so many instances compacted into one article. It’s also interesting (sad) that so many people are using this relatively new found technology (the world wide web), to show their disturbing displays of ugly, racism.  Finally, I find it rather “mind-blowing” to think of the great lengths people will go to in order to be racist.  The Hunger Games, in my opinion could be considered a novel to be read for pure enjoyment (I would say this especially can be said about the film adaptation), yet people have found a way to use the casting of actors and actresses of color to push their racist agendas.  One of these people, Joe Longley tweeted “EWW rue is black??  I’m not watching” (“Racist Hunger Games Fans are Very Disappointed”).  Again , a statement that I would describe as utterly disgusting.
Works Cited
Longley, Joe (@Joe_Longley).  “Racist Hunger Games Fans are Very Disappointed.” Dodai Stewart. 26 Mar. 2012.   Web. 30 July 2012.

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